Third pilgrimage to Turk's with friend visiting from Colorado. This post is mostly a photo essay to document more of the details inside -- and out.
Surprisingly realistic sculptures!
Outdoor taxidermy collection.
We were told that these are the pens where George would keep his exotic birds and animals. A guy at the bar who used to work for George in the 70's said there was a donkey that they would ride around the property - sometimes at night after a few cocktails.
The "Black Sea" behind Turk's (Namekagon river). A beautiful site.
Crazy off-kilter bridge that leads to a island - something right out of a fairy-tale.
We were told that these birds were once "pets" kept in the outdoor cages.
Portraits of the stunningly beautiful Marge still adorn the dining rooms as if she is still keeping watch. The last time we visited (in summer 2012) we were told that Marge's health was not good as she was suffering from a bad spell of pneumonia.